D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors. Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. Multicriteria Decision Aid Classification Methods, volume 73 of Applied Optimization. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. [bibtex-entry] K. Jajuga, A. Sokolowski, and H.-H. Bock, editors. Classification, Clustering and Data Analysis: Recent Advances and Applications, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis & Knowledge Organization. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. [bibtex-entry] C. Zopounidis. New Trends in Banking Management. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002. [bibtex-entry] Z. Pawlak, editor. Theorize with data using rough sets, 26 th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. [bibtex-entry]
D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. A characterization of strict concordance relations. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 121-147. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. Keyword(s): MCDM, conjoint measurement, nontransitive preferences, outranking methods, concordance relations. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. On the use of multicriteria classification methods: A simulation study. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 211-228. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, multicriteria decision aid, Monte Carlo simulation, multivariate statistical analysis, UTADIS. [bibtex-entry] M. Roubens. Ordinal multiattribute sorting and ordering in the presence of interacting points of view. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 229-248. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. Keyword(s): multiattribute decision making, ordinal data, interacting points of view, Choquet integral, TOMASO. [bibtex-entry] Y. Siskos and E. Grigoroudis. Measuring customer satisfaction for various services using multicriteria analysis. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 457-482. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. Keyword(s): customer satisfaction, preference disaggregation, ordinal regression, multicriteria analysis. [bibtex-entry] A. Tsoukiàs, P. Perny, and Ph. Vincke. From concordance / discordance to the modelling of positive and negative reasons in decision aiding. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Słowiński, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, volume 44 of International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 147-174. Springer, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002. Keyword(s): concordance / discordance principles, preference modelling, positive and negative reasons, four-valued logic. [bibtex-entry] A. Azibi and D. Vanderpooten. Construction of rule-based assignment models. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):274-293, 2002. Keyword(s): assignment, rules, multiple criteria analysis, integer programming. [bibtex-entry] G. Baourakis, M. Doumpos, N. Kalogeras, and C. Zopounidis. Multicriteria analysis and assessment of financial viability of agri-businesses: The case of marketing co-operatives and juice producing companies. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 18(4):543-558, 2002. [bibtex-entry] I. Becerra-Fernandez, S. Zanakis, and S. Walczak. Knowledge discovery techniques for predicting country investment risk. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43(4):787-800, 2002. Keyword(s): data mining, knowledge discovery, country investing risk. [bibtex-entry] N. Belacel, P. Hansen, and N. Mladenovic. Fuzzy J-means: A new heuristic for fuzzy clustering. Pattern Recognition, 35(10):2193-2200, 2002. Keyword(s): unsupervised classification, fuzzy clustering, local search, fuzzy c-means, variable neighbourhood search. [bibtex-entry] R. Bisdorff. ELECTRE-like clustering from a pairwise fuzzy proximity index. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):320-331, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria analysis, fuzzy clustering, graph theory. [bibtex-entry] E. Boros and P. Hammer. Pseudo-boolean optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123(1-3):155-225, 2002. [bibtex-entry] D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. Nontransitive decomposable conjoint measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46:677-703, 2002. Keyword(s): conjoint measurement, cancellations conditions, nontransitive preferences, decomposable models. [bibtex-entry] A. Bröder. Take The Best, Dawes' Rule, and Compensatory Decision Strategies: A Regression-based Classification Method. Quality & Quantity, 36:219-238, 2002. Keyword(s): decision making, take the best, probabilistic inference, hypothesis testing, strategy classification. [bibtex-entry] V. Bugera, H. Konno, and S. Uryasev. Credit cards scoring with quadratic utility functions. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(4-5):197-211, 2002. Keyword(s): credit cards scoring, utility functions, linear programming, classification. [bibtex-entry] B.-C. Chien, J. Lin, and T.-P. Hong. Learning discriminant functions with fuzzy attributes for classification using genetic programming. Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 23:31-37, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, genetic programming, knowledge discovery, fuzzy sets. [bibtex-entry] J. DeVinney and J. Wierman. A SLLN for a one-dimensional class cover problem. Statistics & Probability Letters, 59:425-435, 2002. Keyword(s): class cover problem, catch disgraphs, domination, poisson process, complete convergence, strong law of large numbers, classification, pattern recognition. [bibtex-entry] K. Dembczynski, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński. Methodology of rough-set-based classification and sorting with hierarchical structure of attributes and criteria. Control & Cybernetics, 31:891-920, 2002. [bibtex-entry] L. C. Dias, V. Mousseau, J. Figueira, and J. N. Clímaco. An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):332-348, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria analysis, sorting, aggregation/disaggregation, robustness and sensitivity analysis, IRIS. [bibtex-entry] J.-X. Dong, A. Krzyzak, and C. Suen. Local learning framework for handwritten character recognition. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 15:151-159, 2002. Keyword(s): ensemble, learning vector quantization, multilayer neural network, local learning framework, handwritten digits, lowercase characters recognition. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos, K. Kosmidou, G. Baourakis, and C. Zopounidis. Credit risk assessment using a multicriteria hierarchical discrimination approach: A comparative analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):392-412, 2002. Keyword(s): credit risk assessment, multicriteria decision aid, classification, case study, M.H.DIS. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. Business failure prediction: A comparison of classification methods. Operations Research: An International Journal, 2(3), 2002. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. Multi–criteria classification methods in financial and banking decisions. International Transactions in Operational Research, 9(5):567-581, 2002. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. On the development of an outranking relation for ordinal classification problems: An experimental investigation of a new methodology. Optimization Methods and Software, 17(2):293-317, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, multicriteria decision aid, linear programming, Monte Carlo simulation. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. On the use of a multi-criteria hierarchical discrimination approach for country risk assessment. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(4-5):279-289, 2002. Keyword(s): country risk assessment, classification, preference disaggregation, comparison. [bibtex-entry] M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. Rough sets and multivariate statistical classification: A simulation study. Computational Economics, 19(3):287-301, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, rough sets theory, multivariate statistics, Monte Carlo simulation. [bibtex-entry] S. Draghici. On the capabilities of neural networks using limited precision weights. Neural Networks, 15:395-414, 2002. Keyword(s): integer weights, VLSI implementation, VC-complexity. [bibtex-entry] C. Ellwein, S. Danaher, and U. Jäger. Identifying regions of interest in spectra for classification purposes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 16(2-3):211-222, 2002. [bibtex-entry] S. Foldes and P. Hammer. Disjunctive and conjunctive representations in finite lattices and convexity spaces. Discrete Mathematics, 258(1-3):13-25, 2002. Keyword(s): boolean functions, consensus, resolution, implicants, prime implicants, convexity, Helly property, DNF, CNF. [bibtex-entry] M. González-Araya, L. Rangel, M. Lins, and L. MonteiroGomes. Building the additive utility functions for CAD-UFRJ evaluation staff criteria. Annals of Operations Research, 116(1):271-288, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria decision aid, UTA method, preference structure. [bibtex-entry] S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Słowiński. Rough sets methodology for sorting problems in presence of multiple attributes and criteria. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):247-259, 2002. Keyword(s): rough sets, sorting, classification, multiple criteria decision analysis, decision rules. [bibtex-entry] K. Ha, J. Jo, S.-W. Kim, and J.-B. Lee. Classification of free actions of finite groups on the 3-torus. Topology and its Applications, 121:469-507, 2002. Keyword(s): group actions, bieberbach groups, affine conjugacy. [bibtex-entry] T.-P. Hong, L.-H. Tseng, and S.-L. Wang. Learning rules from incomplete training examples by rough sets. Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 22:285-293, 2002. Keyword(s): knowledge acquisition, rough sets, machine learning, certain rule, possible rule, incomplete data set. [bibtex-entry] Y.-C. Hu, R.-S. Chen, and G.-H. Tzeng. Mining fuzzy association rules for classification problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43:735-750, 2002. Keyword(s): data mining, knowledge acquisition, classification, association rules. [bibtex-entry] E. Kim, W. Kim, and Y. Lee. Combination of multiple classifiers for the customer's purchase behavior prediction. Decision Support Systems, 34:167-175, 2002. Keyword(s): purchase behavior prediction, multiple classifiers, combination, genetic algorithm. [bibtex-entry] Y.-S. Kim, W. Street, and F. Menczer. Evolutionary model selection in unsupervised learning. Intelligent Data Analysis, 6(6):531-558, 2002. Keyword(s): information storage & retrieval systems, evolutionary programming (computer science), heuristic programming. [bibtex-entry] K. Kosmidou and C. Zopounidis. An optimisation scenario methodology for bank asset liability management. Operations Research: An International Journal, 2(2):279-287, 2002. [bibtex-entry] K. Lam and J. Moy. Combining discriminant methods in solving classification problems int two-group discriminant analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 138:294-301, 2002. Keyword(s): linear programming, goal programming, multivariate statistics, classification, combining, discriminant analysis. [bibtex-entry] O. Larichev, A. Asanov, and Y. Naryzhny. Effectiveness evaluation of expert classification methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):260-273, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria analysis, multicriteria classification, expert knowledge, complete and non-contradictory knowledge base, monotone function decoding, algorithm optimal by Shannon. [bibtex-entry] O. Larichev, A. Kortnev, and D. Kochin. Decision support system for classification of a finite set of multicriteria alternatives. Decision Support Systems, 33(1):13-21, 2002. Keyword(s): decision maker, decision support systems, multicriteria classification problems, ORCLASS. [bibtex-entry] J. Léger and J.-M. Martel. A multicriteria assignment procedure for a nominal sorting problematic. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):349-364, 2002. Keyword(s): multicriteria method, nominal sorting problematic, classification, assignment, similarity. [bibtex-entry] J. Malczewski. Fuzzy screening for land suitability analysis. Geographical & Environmental Modelling, 6(1):27-39, 2002. Keyword(s): geographical information systems. [bibtex-entry] J. Mandziuk and L. Shastri. Incremental class learning approach and its application to handwritten digit recognition. Information Sciences: An International Journal, 141:193-217, 2002. Keyword(s): incremental class learning, catastroghic interference problem, supervised learning, spatio-temporal representation, pattern recognition, handwritten digit recognition, neural networks. [bibtex-entry] N. Matsatsinis. CCAS: An intelligent decision support system for credit card assessment. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(4-5):213-235, 2002. Keyword(s): machine learning, rough sets, multi-criteria decision analysis, decision support system, credit cards assessment. [bibtex-entry] H. Moshkovich, A. Mechitov, and D. Olson. Ordinal judgments for comparison of multiattribute alternatives. European Journal of Operational Research, 137:625-641, 2002. [bibtex-entry] A. Ngo The and V. Mousseau. Using assignment examples to infer category limits for the ELECTRE TRI method. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(1):29-43, 2002. Keyword(s): assignment problem, ELECTRE TRI, category limit elicitation, inference procedure. [bibtex-entry] A. Nola, V. Loia, and A. Staiano. An evolutionary approach to spatial fuzzy c-means clustering. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:195-219, 2002. Keyword(s): clustering algorithm, fuzzy c-means, fuzzy sets, genetic algorithm, Java language. [bibtex-entry] M. F. Norese and S. Viale. A multi-profile sorting procedure in the public administration. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):365-379, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria analysis, sorting, multi-profile intersecting reference set, decision aiding, decision support systems. [bibtex-entry] H. Ono, K. Makino, and T. Ibaraki. Logical analysis of data with decomposable structures. Theoretical Computer Science, 289(2):977-995, 2002. Keyword(s): logical analysis of data, boolean functions, decomposable functions, artificial intelligence, approximation algorithms. [bibtex-entry] R. Pavur. A comparative study of the effect of the position of outliers on classical and nontraditional approaches to the two-group classification probelm. European Journal of Operational Research, 136:603-615, 2002. Keyword(s): Monte Carlo simulation, classification, mathematical programming, multivariate statistics. [bibtex-entry] Z. Pawlak. Rough sets and intelligent data analysis. Information Sciences: An International Journal, 147(1-4):1-12, 2002. [bibtex-entry] Z. Pawlak. Rough sets, decision algorithms and Bayes' theorem. European Journal of Operational Research, 136:181-189, 2002. Keyword(s): rough sets, decision analysis, decision support systems, Bayes' theorem. [bibtex-entry] P. Pendharkar. A Computational study on the performance of artificial neural networks under changing structural design and data distribution. European Journal of Operational Research, 138:155-177, 2002. Keyword(s): artificial neural networks, discriminant analysis. [bibtex-entry] P. Pendharkar. A potencial use of data envelopment analysis for the inverse classification problem. Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 30:243-248, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, data envelopment analysis, linear programming, discriminant analysis. [bibtex-entry] F. Questier, I. Arnaut-Rollier, B. Walczak, and D. Massart. Application of rough set theory to feature selection for unsupervised clustering. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 63:155-167, 2002. Keyword(s): rough sets, unsupervised clustering, feature selection, Wallace measure. [bibtex-entry] A. Radzikowsk and E. Kerre. A comparative study of fuzzy rough sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 126:137-155, 2002. Keyword(s): fuzzy set theory, rough set theory, fuzzy implicator, fuzzy rough set. [bibtex-entry] J.-C. Royer. An Operational Approach to the Semantics of Classes: Application to Type Checking. Programming and Computer Software, 28(3):127-147, 2002. [bibtex-entry] M. Sarkar. Rough-fuzzy functions in classification. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 132:353-369, 2002. Keyword(s): fuzzy sets, rough sets, rough-fuzzy sets, membership functions, classification, entropy. [bibtex-entry] Y. Shan, R. Zhao, G. Xu, H. Liebich, and Y. Zhang. Application of probabilistic neural network in the clinical diagnosis of cancers based on clinical chemistry data. Analytica Chimica Acta, 471:77-86, 2002. Keyword(s): classification, cancer, nucleosides, probabilistic neural network. [bibtex-entry] Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. A rough-fuzzy approach for generating classification rules. Pattern Recognition, 35:2425-2438, 2002. Keyword(s): pattern classification, rough sets, fuzzy sets, feature selection, rule induction. [bibtex-entry] K.-S. Shin and Y.-J. Lee. A genetic algorithm application in bankruptcy prediction modeling. Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 23(3):321-328, 2002. Keyword(s): genetic algorithm, rule extraction, bankruptcy prediction. [bibtex-entry] C. Spathis, M. Doumpos, and C. Zopounidis. Detecting falsified financial statements: A comparative study using multicriteria analysis and multivariate statistical techniques. The European Accounting Review, 11(3):509-535, 2002. Keyword(s): UTADIS. [bibtex-entry] C. Spathis, K. Kosmidou, and M. Doumpos. Assessing profitability factors in the Greek banking system: A multicriteria methodology. International Transactions in Operational Research, 9:517-530, 2002. Keyword(s): Greek banks, profitability, efficiency, multicriteria decision aid. [bibtex-entry] M. Sun. A multiple objective programming approach for determining faculty salary equity adjustments. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):302-319, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple objective programming, multiple criteria decision making, classification, faculty salary, compensation. [bibtex-entry] S. Sánchez, E. Triantaphyllou, and D. Kraft. A feature mining based approach for the classfication of text documents into disjoint classes. Information Processing and Management, 38:583-604, 2002. Keyword(s): document classification, document indexing, vector space model, data mining, one clause at a time (OCAT) algorithm, machine learning. [bibtex-entry] M. Tajine and D. Elizondo. New methods for testing linear separability. Neurocomputing, 47:161-188, 2002. Keyword(s): linear separability, convex hull, perceptron, class of separability. [bibtex-entry] F. Tay and L. Shen. Economic and financial prediction using rough sets model. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(3):641-659, 2002. Keyword(s): rough sets model, economic and financial prediction. [bibtex-entry] R. Toscano and P. Lyonnet. Parameterization of a fuzzy classifier for the diagnosis of an industrial process. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 77:269-279, 2002. Keyword(s): diagnosis, fuzzy classification, learning, knowledge acquisition. [bibtex-entry] M. Vrahatis, B. Boutsinas, P. Alevizos, and G. Pavlides. The new k-windows algorithm for improving the k-means clustering algorithm. Journal of Complexity, 18(1):375-391, 2002. Keyword(s): k-means clustering algorithm, unsupervised learning, data mining, range search. [bibtex-entry] Z. Xu, J. Liang, C. Dang, and K. Chin. Inclusion degree: A perspective on measures for rough set data analysis. Information Sciences: An International Journal, 141:227-236, 2002. Keyword(s): rough sets, inclusion degree, data analysis, measure. [bibtex-entry] N. Ye and X. Li. A scalable, incremental learning algorithm for classification problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43:677-692, 2002. Keyword(s): data mining, classification, incremental learning, scalability. [bibtex-entry] Y. Yuan, S. Feldhamer, A. Gafni, F. Fyfe, and D. Ludwin. The development and evaluation of a fuzzy logic expert system for renal transplantation assignment: Is this a useful tool?. European Journal of Operational Research, 142(1):152-173, 2002. Keyword(s): fuzzy sets, expert systems, multiple criteria analysis, health services, simulation. [bibtex-entry] L. Zhang, F. Coenen, and P. Leng. Formalising optimal feature weight setting in case based diagnosis as linear programming problems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 15:391-398, 2002. [bibtex-entry] X. Zhou and T. Huang. Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: Some recent advances. Information Sciences: An International Journal, 148:129-137, 2002. [bibtex-entry] C. Zopounidis. Preference disaggregation in financial modeling: Basic features and some examples. Operations Research: An International Journal, 1(2):263-284, 2002. [bibtex-entry] C. Zopounidis and M. Doumpos. Multi-criteria decision aid in financial decision making: Methodologies and literature review. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(4-5):167-186, 2002. Keyword(s): multi-criteria decision aid, finance, multiobjective optimization, outranking relations, preference disaggregation, applications. [bibtex-entry] C. Zopounidis and M. Doumpos. Multi-group discrimination using multi-criteria analysis: Illustrations from the field of finance. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(2):371-389, 2002. Keyword(s): discrimination, multicriteria decision aid, preference disaggregation, financial decision making. [bibtex-entry] C. Zopounidis and M. Doumpos. Multicriteria classification and sorting methods: A literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):229-246, 2002. Keyword(s): multiple criteria analysis, classification, sorting, utility functions, outranking relations, decision rules, preference disaggregation. [bibtex-entry]
A. Guitouni, B. Brisset, L. Belfares, K. Tiliki, N. Belacel, and C. Poirier. Automatic documents analyzer and classification. In 7th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, 2002. [bibtex-entry]
D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. 'Additive difference' models without additivity and subtractivity. Cahier du LAMSADE 206, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, 2002. Keyword(s): conjoint measurement, nontransitive preferences, additive difference model, cancellation conditions. [bibtex-entry] D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. Preferences for multi-attributed alternatives: Traces, dominance, and numerical representations. Cahier du LAMSADE 207, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, 2002. Keyword(s): conjoint measurement, nontransitive preferences, decision analysis with multiple attributes, dominance, traces. [bibtex-entry] V. Mousseau and L. C. Dias. Inferring ELECTRE's veto-related parameters from outranking examples. Research Report 5, INESC Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2002. Keyword(s): parameters inference procedures, valued outranking relations, ELECTRE, discordance, veto. [bibtex-entry] V. Mousseau and L. C. Dias. Inferring ELECTRE's veto-related parameters from outranking examples. Cahier du LAMSADE 198, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, 2002. Keyword(s): parameters inference procedures, valued outranking relations, ELECTRE, discordance, veto. [bibtex-entry] B. Roy. Présentation et interprétation de la méthode ELECTRE TRI pour affecter des zones dans des catégories de risque. Document du LAMSADE 124, LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, 2002. [bibtex-entry]
J.-L. Marichal, P. Meyer, and M. Roubens. On a sorting procedure in the presence of qualitative interacting points of view. , 2002. Keyword(s): multi-attribute decision-making, ordinal data, interacting points of view, Choquet integral, TOMASO. [bibtex-entry] BACK TO INDEX Disclaimer: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All person copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Les documents contenus dans ces répertoires sont rendus disponibles par les auteurs qui y ont contribué en vue d'assurer la diffusion à temps de travaux savants et techniques sur une base non-commerciale. Les droits de copie et autres droits sont gardés par les auteurs et par les détenteurs du copyright, en dépit du fait qu'ils présentent ici leurs travaux sous forme électronique. Les personnes copiant ces informations doivent adhérer aux termes et contraintes couverts par le copyright de chaque auteur. Ces travaux ne peuvent pas être rendus disponibles ailleurs sans la permission explicite du détenteur du copyright. Last modified: Fri Dec 15 07:05:31 2006 Author: Juscelino Dias. This document was translated from BibTEX by bibtex2html |